이스라엘 총리 이탈리아 방문 (Eng)

이스라엘의 에후드 올메르트 총리가 13일 이탈리아 로마에 도착했습니다. 올메르트 총리는 로마 방문 기간동안 바티칸에서 교황 베네딕토 16세와 회담을 가질 예정입니다.

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Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has arrived in Rome for a visit that includes talks with Pope Benedict at the Vatican.

Mr. Olmert is also scheduled to meet with this counterpart, Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi, as well as other top officials.

The Israeli leader arrived from Germany, where on Monday he implied the Jewish state has nuclear weapons

In a German television interview, Mr. Olmert denounced Iran and asked if Tehran, allegedly aspiring for nuclear weapons, is at the same level as France, the United States, Russia and Israel.

A spokesman for Mr. Olmert denied he was admitting that Israel has nuclear weapons.

Opposition politicians on Israel's right and left are denouncing the prime minister for the remark.