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칠레 군장으로 치루어질 전 독재자 아우구스토 피노체트의 장례식이 12일 칠레 산티아고에서 거행됩니다.

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지난 10일 산티아고에는 수많은 사람들이 거리들에서 피노체트의 사망을 축하했습니다.


Former Chilean ruler Augusto Pinochet's military funeral will be held today (Tuesday) in Santiago, Chile.

Mourners filed past his coffin Monday at a military academy in the Chilean capital.

Chile's government will not hold a state funeral or declare mourning for General Pinochet. He died Sunday at the age of 91, one week after suffering a heart attack.

Chile's center-left President Michelle Bachelet said it would be against her conscience to attend the funeral. Her father died after being imprisoned and tortured during the general's rule.

Thousands of people took to the streets of Santiago Sunday, celebrating the former dictator's death. In Spain Monday, Isabel Allende said General Pinochet's death should not end the quest for justice for the victims of his military government. Allende is the daughter of Chile's President Salvador Allende, who died when General Pinochet took power in a 1973 coup.