부시 대통령, 의회 지도부와 이라크 논의 (Eng)

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President Bush says he is looking forward to working with the incoming Democratic congressional leadership to find what he calls "a new way forward" on Iraq.

Mr. Bush made the comment as he met with congressional leaders at the White House today (Friday). They discussed an array of strategy proposals for ending the conflict in Iraq.

Democrat Nancy Pelosi, who becomes speaker of the House of Representatives next month, stressed the need for diplomacy in the area. She said that action on Iraq must be taken in the days and weeks ahead, not months from now.

Thursday at the White House, Mr. Bush said the situation in Iraq is "bad" and that a new approach is needed.

Speaking after talks with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Mr. Bush said his decisions will be based on the recommendations of separate studies conducted by the Defense Department, State Department and National Security Council, as well as the Iraq Study Group. The bipartisan study group issued its report on Wednesday.

The president said he will seriously consider the group's report, but he has not indicated he will accept any of its suggestions.