게이츠, ‘미, 이라크서 승리 못하고 있어’(Eng)

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게이츠 지명자는 이라크가 앞으로 1,2년내로 안정을 되찾지 못하면 상황이 지역 분쟁으로 번질 수 있다고 경고했습니다.

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President Bush's nominee for defense secretary says he does not believe the United States is winning in Iraq.

Robert Gates told a confirmation hearing of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee today (Tuesday) that he is open to new ideas about Iraq. But he stressed that President Bush has the final say on decisions.

He warned that if Iraq is not stabilized in the next year or two, the situation could lead to a regional conflict.

On the subject of Iran, Gates said he believes that country is seeking nuclear weapons capabilities, but he said any U.S. military action against Iran would be used only as a last resort. He also said he would not endorse a war with Syria.

Democrat Carl Levin said Gates will face what he called a monumental challenge from broken policies and mistaken priorities. Levin is set to become the next chairman of the committee.

Gates is expected to be easily confirmed later this week to succeed Donald Rumsfeld, who has been criticized by both Republicans and Democrats for his handling of the war in Iraq.