'물러나지 않겠다' - 레바논 총리 (eng)

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Lebanon's prime minister says he will stay in office despite a continuing protest by Hezbollah-led demonstrators demanding the resignation of his Western-backed government.

Speaking today at his government headquarters, Prime Minister Fuad Siniora said the crisis can be resolved only through negotiations. He called on parliament speaker Nabih Berri to revive a dialogue among Lebanon's rival factions.

As Mr. Siniora spoke, tens of thousands of anti-government activists, led by pro-Syrian Hezbollah, rallied outside. The demonstrators, in the third day of protests, say they will remain camped out in central Beirut until Mr. Siniora resigns.

In a sign of mounting tensions, a group of pro-Hezbollah Shi'ites clashed with Sunnis in a Sunni neighborhood of Beirut. At least four people were injured.

Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa arrived in Beirut for talks aimed at resolving the crisis.