부시-유도요노, 북핵·이란 문제 협력 약속 (Eng)

조지 부시 미국 대통령은 20일 인도네시아에서 수실로 밤방 유도요노 대통령과 가진 정상회담을 끝으로 아시아 순방을 마쳤습니다.

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President Bush has concluded his trip to Asia by pledging cooperation with his Indonesian counterpart -- Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono -- in the war on terror, North Korea and other issues.

Their talks at the summer palace in Indonesia's resort of Bogor (today/Monday) also covered Iraq, Iran, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and efforts to combat bird flu in Indonesia.

Mr. Bush said he and President Yudhoyono agreed that the six-party talks are the best way to end the dispute over North Korea's nuclear weapons program.

Police set up barricades and cordoned off main streets to control thousands of protesters gathered in Bogor. Many were protesting the U.S. military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Indonesia is the nation with the world's largest Muslim population and a key ally in the U.S. war on terror. Mr. Bush called Indonesia an example of how democracy and modernization can present an alternative to extremism.

Indonesia was the last stop on the president's trip to Asia. He is now headed back to Washington.