망명 티베트인들, 후주석 인도방문 항의 단식 투쟁 (eng)

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Tibetans living in India are planning demonstrations and staging a hunger strike to protest the upcoming visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao.

Mr. Hu will arrive in the Indian capital of New Delhi Monday for talks aimed at boosting trade ties and cooperation.

Members of the Tibet Youth Congress told a news conference in New Delhi Saturday they want to highlight Tibet's issues during the visit.

In the northern Indian town of Dharamsala, Tibet's parliament-in-exile called on the Chinese leader to meet with Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, to discuss the future of Tibet.

Indian authorities have asked a prominent Tibetan activist, (Tenzin Tsundue,) not to leave Dharamsala during Mr. Hu's visit.