미국 민주 상원 원내대표에 리드의원 (Eng)

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네바다주 출신의 중도파 리드 의원은 내년 1월에 시작되는 의회 제 110회 회기의 원내대표로 재선됐습니다. 리드 의원은 이날 민주당 의원들은 부시 대통령과 함께 이라크 정책의 전환방안을 모색할 것이라고 말했습니다.

상원 민주당 의원들은 이밖에 딕 더빈 의원을 원내총무로 선출했고 찰스 슈머 의원을 상원 민주당 선거대책위원장으로 재선출했습니다.


Democrats in the U.S. Senate have chosen their leaders for the next session of Congress, just one week after winning control of the Senate from Republicans in mid-term elections.

Democratic senators elected Harry Reid, a moderate from Nevada, to be U.S. Senate Majority leader for the one-hundred-tenth Congress that will convene in January. Senator Reid said Democrats are going to see how they can work with President Bush to change the course in Iraq.

The Democratic senators' caucus chose Dick Durbin (of Illinois) to be the vote-counting Democratic whip. Senator Charles Schumer (of New York) will continue as the chairman of his party's senatorial campaign committee and also will be vice chairman of the caucus. The caucus chose Patty Murray (of Washington state) to be its new secretary.

House Democrats face a more contentious leadership vote Thursday. Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (of California) is publicly supporting Representative John Murtha (of Pennsylvania) to be the new majority leader over the current second-ranking Democrat, Steny Hoyer (of Maryland).