레바논 정부와 헤즈볼라 무장세력, 권력다툼 계속 (Eng)

헤즈볼라 무장세력의 각료수를 늘리라는 요구를 레바논 정부가 거부하자 11일 레바논 내각의 시아파 회교도 각료 5명이 사임했습니다.

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이보다 몇시간 전에 관리들은 수니파가 이끄는 정부에서 헤즈볼라와 헤즈볼라의 동맹자들에게 결정적인 역할을 확대해 줄 것인지의 관한 회담을 중단했습니다.

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Five Shi'ite Muslims on Lebanon's Cabinet resigned today (Saturday) after the government refused a demand to include more members of the militant group Hezbollah.

Hezbollah representatives said the ministers were from their organization and its ally, the Amal movement. Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora rejected the resignations. He said that he wanted the ministers to remain in the government.

Hours earlier, officials broke off talks on whether to give Hezbollah and its allies a more decisive role in the Sunni-led government. Anti-Syrian leaders rejected the demand from the Shi'ite groups.

The Shi'ites have threatened mass demonstrations if their demand is not met Lebanese Christian leader Michel Aoun said there are no plans for additional talks on the issue. Some political leaders tried to ease concerns of possible street clashes because of the decision.