이란 핵협상 대표 러시아 방문 (Eng)

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라리자니 대표는 10일 유엔 안전보장 이사회가 러시아가 제안한 수정안 없이 유럽이 초안한 제재안을 채택한다면 이란은 국제원자력기구와의 관계를 검토하겠다고 말했습니다.

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Iran's senior nuclear negotiator is in Russia for talks with officials aimed at resolving the dispute over Tehran's nuclear program.

Ali Larijani said today (Friday) Iran would review its relationship with the International Atomic Energy Agency if European-drafted sanctions are adopted by the U.N. Security Council without amendments proposed by Russia.

The Iranian official made his comments upon arriving in Moscow, where he is scheduled to confer with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian National Security Council Secretary Igor Ivanov.

Russia has said European sanctions against Iran for defying an August 31st deadline to stop enriching uranium go too far, and should be limited to preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

Earlier this week, Russian officials deleted large parts of the European draft, and eliminated references to Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant, which Moscow is helping to build.