사담 후세인 인종학살 혐의 재판 재개 (Eng)

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변호인단은 재판부가 자신들의 요청을 묵살한데 대한 항의로 지난 9월 재판 거부에 들어갔습니다.


Saddam Hussein's trial on charges of genocide resumed today (Wednesday) with one defense lawyer breaking his boycott of the proceedings.

The lawyer (Badee Aref) asked the court to investigate last month's break-in at the defense team's offices in Baghdad's high-security Green Zone. He said the intruders stole documents related to the trial and undermined the defense team's efforts.

Defense lawyers began a boycott of the trial in September to protest the court's rejection of their requests.

The former Iraqi president and six co-defendants are accused of killing more than 180-thousand Kurds in the 1988 Anfal campaign in northern Iraq. All could face the death penalty, if convicted.