중국 고등법원, 맹인 인권운동가 재판 다시하라 명령 (Eng)

중국 법원이 1일 한 맹인 인권 운동가에 대한 하급 법원의 유죄판결을 뒤엎고 새로운 재판을 실시하라고 명령했습니다. 맹인 운동가 첸 광쳉씨는 강제 인공유산을 당한 여성들의 호소를 근거로 소송을 준비하던중 투옥당했습니다.

첸씨의 변호사는 1일 중급법원이 이전 재판은 법적 절차를 위반했다며 새로운 재판을 실시하라고 명령했다고 말했습니다.

첸씨는 지난 8월 재산 파손과 혼란을 초래할 수 있는 단체를 결성한 혐의로 4년 3개월의 징역을 선고받았습니다.

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A Chinese court has overturned the guilty verdict against a blind activist who was sentenced to prison after preparing a lawsuit based on women's claims of forced abortions.

The lawyer for activist Chen Guangcheng said today (Wednesday) that an intermediate court this week found violations in the legal procedures of the last trial and ordered a new trial (in the Yinan county court in the eastern province of Shandong).

Chen was sentenced in August to four years and three months in prison for damaging property and "organizing a mob to disturb traffic."

The U.S. State Department has previously called the charges "questionable" and said the reported events appear part of a larger pattern of official Chinese harassment of legal rights activists.

Rights groups say the charges were fabricated to silence the controversial lawyer, who had uncovered a series of cases where village-level officials had allegedly forced women to undergo abortions or sterilization.