새 국제노동조합연맹 ITUC 출범 (Eng)

국제화의 가속화 과정에서 노동자들의 권익을 보호하기 위해, 전세계 노동조합 대표들의 통합조직인 국제노동조합총연맹, 약칭 ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation)가 1일 오스트리아 빈에서 공식 출범했습니다.

ITUC 관계자들은 새로운 총연맹은 노동조합 요원들의 권익에 대한 새로운 도전들에 맞서고 강제노동과 아동노동을 근절하기 위한 노력을 강화할 것이라고 말했습니다.

ITUC는 앞서 31일 해산한 국제자유노동조합연맹 ICFTU (International Trade Union Confederation)와 세계노동연합 WCL (World Confederation of Labor)가 통합되면서 결성됐습니다.


Representatives from international trade unions have launched a new labor federation aimed at ensuring workers' rights are not lost in the rush towards globalization.

Organizers in Austria today (Wednesday) said the new organization -- the International Trade Union Confederation -- will tackle fresh challenges to the rights of unionized workers and strengthen efforts to stamp out forced and child labor. The new union combines both the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions and the World Confederation of Labor, which were dissolved Tuesday.

In a statement, the group says the new trade group is adapting to remain a key player in an economic climate that is creating more losers than winners. It says the imbalances of globalization are having a devastating effect on millions of workers, citing abuse of workers' rights and increased poverty around the globe.