부쉬 대통령, 미국 남부국경 방책건설에 서명 (Eng)

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President Bush has signed a bill authorizing an 11-hundred-kilometer fence to be built along part of the southern U.S. border, as a guard against illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

Mr. Bush called the bill "an important step toward immigration reform." He said the U.S. has not been in complete control of its borders for decades. But he added that since he began his presidency, the United States has doubled both its funding for border security and the number of border patrol agents.

The president said the measure he signed today (Thursday), known as the "Secure Fence Act of 2006," will allow for more barriers, checkpoints and extra lighting on border areas with Mexico.

But Mexico and 27 other members of the Organization of American States have signed a declaration opposing the fence.