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미국 콘돌리자 라이스 국무장관과 중국 리 자오싱 외무부 장관은20일 중국 베이징에서 회담을 갖고 양국의 공통된 목적을 피력했습니다. 그들은 평양에서 6자 회담을 재개하고 싶다는 호의도 밝혔습니다.

라이스 장관은 후 진타오 중국 국가주석과도 만났습니다. 후 주석은 중국은 이번 사태의 평온한 해결을 바란다고 말했으며, 또 상황 악화를 막기 위한 주의를 촉구했습니다.

라이스 장관은 중국이 북한의 무기 수출을 막기 위해 유엔 결의안을 완전히 이행하기로 약속했다며 중국은 북한과의 국경에서 면밀하고 완벽한 검사를 수행하겠다는 점을 확실하게 했다고 말했습니다.


The United States and China are taking similar diplomatic stands as part of the international community's campaign to convince North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons.

Both say they want to resolve the standoff peaceably. But they also say they support the sanctions the U.N. Security Council imposed on North Korea following its test of a nuclear weapon on October 9th.

The U.S. and China expressed common cause following talks today (Friday) in Beijing between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing. They said they favor restarting six-party talks with Pyongyang.

Those talks involve the U.S., China, Russia, Japan and both Koreas and are aimed at convincing North Korea to give up its nuclear program.

Rice also met with Chinese President Hu Jintao. Mr. Hu told her that China favors a calm resolution to the crisis. He called for caution to prevent the situation from deteriorating.

Rice said China has promised to fully implement the U.N. resolution to stop North Korea from shipping banned weapons materials. She said China assured her of careful and thorough inspections along its border with North Korea.