독일 언론인 두명 아프가니스탄에서 피살 (영문첨부)

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나토는 아프가니스탄 남부 칸다하주의 판즈와이 구역에서 과격분자들이 나토군 정찰대가 지나가는 가운데 도로변에 장착했던 폭탄을 폭발시키고 소총공격을 가했다고 성명에서 밝혔습니다.

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Afghan officials say gunmen today (Saturday) shot and killed two German journalists in northern Baghlan province.

The officials identify the journalists as a man and a woman who worked for the German news agency Deutsche Welle.

Earlier, a NATO soldier died when militants ambushed his patrol with a roadside bomb and small arms fire. A NATO statement said the attack occurred in the volatile Panjwayi district of Kandahar province.

Taleban attacks have surged in Afghanistan this year with attacks on military positions as well as suicide and car bombings.

The coalition offensive that toppled the Taleban from power was launched exactly five years ago with air strikes on al-Qaida terrorist training camps and Taleban military installations.