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유엔 총회 측선에서 북한 핵문제에 관한 회의가 미국 주선으로 열렸으나 중국과 러시아는 참석하지 않았습니다.

21일, 열린 북핵문제 회의는 북한의 6자회담 복귀 방안 모색을 위한 것으로 호주, 인도넷아, 뉴질랜드, 캐나다, 필리핀 등의 외무장관들이 참석했으며 북한 대표도 초청됐으나 참석을 거부했습니다.

미국의 북핵협상 수석대표, 크리스토퍼 힐 국무차관보는 북핵문제 토론회에 러시아와 중국이 참석하지 않은 것은

이 회의에 대해 냉담해서가 아닌 것으로 생각한다고 말했습니다.

라이스 미 국무장관은 이번 주초에 이미 러시아 외무장관, 중국 외교부장과 만난 바 있습니다.


China and Russia have stayed away from U.S.-organized talks on North Korea's nuclear weapons program.

The meeting held today (Thursday) on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly was aimed at finding ways to get Pyongyang to return to six-party talks.

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill said he did not consider Moscow and Beijing's decision not to attend the meeting a "snub." He said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had met with the two countries' foreign ministers earlier this week.

Today's meeting chaired by Rice included foreign ministers from Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Canada and the Philippines. North Korea was also invited, but declined to attend.

The reclusive communist nation has refused to return to the negotiations (which brings together the United States, China, Russia, Japan and the two Koreas) since last year. Pyongyang has boycotted the talks to protest U.S. sanctions against North Korean-linked companies.