단식투쟁 벌이던 사담 후세인 법정에 강제 소환 (영문첨부)

단식투쟁을 벌이던 사담 후세인 전 이라크 대통령이 26일 인도주의 범죄와 관련 한 재판을 받기 위해 법정에 강제 소환됐습니다.

후세인은 자신은 지난 8일 시작된 단식투쟁 이후 강제급식을 위해 보내졌던 병원에서 직접 법정으로 소환됐다고 말했습니다. 법원 소식통들은 후세인 전 대통령이 이날 재판이 끝난 뒤 쌀밥과 고기를 먹는 것으로 단식을 끝냈다고 전했습니다.

후세인 전 대통령은 자신은 변호를 위해 임명된 변호인들과의 대화를 거부하고 있는 만큼 이날 열린 재판에 출석하지 않을 이유가 있었다고 말했습니다. 후세인은 법정에서 발언하면서 "사담은 군인이니 죽어야 한다면 교수형이 아닌 총살을 당해야 한다는 것을 잊지 말라'고 말했습니다.

A protesting Saddam Hussein was forced into court in Baghdad today (Wednesday) for his trial on charges of crimes against humanity.

Saddam says he was brought to court directly from a hospital, where he was being force-fed following a hunger strike that began July eighth. But after today's (Wednesday's) court session, sources at the trial said Saddam ended the strike with a meal of beef and rice.

The former Iraqi dictator said he should have been excused from today's session, in part because he refuses to deal with the lawyers appointed to defend him. After he was ordered to remain in court, however, Saddam turned defiant and appeared to be anticipating the outcome of his trial.

Speaking to the court about himself (in the third person), the ex-dictator said, "Remember that Saddam was a soldier and therefore, if he is condemned to death, he should be shot and not hanged."

The chief judge (Rauf Abdel Rahman) replied by saying that Iraq's High Tribunal has not yet delivered its verdict.

The court was adjourned until Thursday after a court-appointed lawyer delivered the final argument for Saddam.