헤즈볼라, 로켓포 발사 - 이스라엘 북부 하이파 포격 (영문첨부)

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Israeli warplanes continue to pound Hezbollah strongholds across Lebanon and guerrillas have fired rockets into Israel, as the fighting continues for a 10th straight day.

Israeli jets today (Friday) struck several areas in southern Lebanon, near Beirut and the eastern Bekaa Valley.

Hezbollah fired several rockets, hitting the northern Israeli city of Haifa. Israeli medics say at least 10 people were wounded.

Israel is warning civilians living in southern Lebanon to move north of the Litani River, about 30 kilometers from the Israeli border.

Israeli media reports say the army is calling up reserve troops - an indication that Israel may be preparing for a ground invasion. Lebanon's Defense Minister Elias al-Murr told the Dubai-based Al Arabiya television the Lebanese army will defend the country's borders if Israel invades.

Israeli troops have been operating across the border, carrying out "pinpoint attacks" against guerrilla positions.

The Israeli army says four of its soldiers and an unknown number of guerrillas were killed in Thursday's heavy fighting just inside the Lebanese border.