파키스탄 여객기 추락사고 - 탑승자 45명 전원 사망 (영문첨부)

파키스탄 당국은 물탄에서 10일 발생한 여객기 추락사고로 탑승자 전원이 사망했다고 말했습니다.

당국은 물탄 공항에서 이륙 직후 추락한 파키스탄 국제 항공사 국내선 여객기에는 승객 41명과 승무원 네명이 탑승해 있었다고 밝혔습니다.

파키스탄 동부 라호르행 여객기는 추락 하기전, 관제탑과의 교신이 두절된 것으로 믿어집니다. 잔해는 공항으로부터 몇 킬로 미터 떨어지지 않은 곳에 흩어져 있습니다.


The U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan say troops have killed more than 40 Taleban militants during a raid in southern Afghanistan.

Coalition officials say one Afghan soldier was killed and three coalition troops were wounded in the fighting today (Monday) at what they say was a known extremist compound in (the Tarin Kowt district of) Uruzgan province.

Coalition officials say extremists used the compound as a base to attack local Afghan civilians, government officials and coalition forces.

The coalition is conducting its largest anti-Taleban offensive in Afghanistan since the extremist Islamist group was forced from power in 2001.