이라크 검찰, 사담 후세인 전 대통령 사형 구형 (영문 첨부)

이라크 검찰은 축출된 사담 후세인 전 대통령과 공동피고 2명에 대해 사형을 구형했습니다. 사담 후세인과 공동피고인들은 1980년대에 두자일 마을에서 시아파 이라크인 148명을 집단학살한 혐의로 재판을 받아왔습니다.

검찰측은 이날 구형공판에서 후세인과 그의 이복동생인 바르잔 이브라힘 알-티크리티 및 타하 야신 라마단 전 부통령에게 사형을 구형했습니다.


Prosecutors in Iraq have asked for the death penalty for ousted President Saddam Hussein and two of his co-defendants.

Saddam and seven co-defendants are on trial for the massacre of 148 Shi'ites in the town of Dujail in the 1980s.

During closing arguments today (Monday) in Baghdad, prosecutors asked that Saddam, his half-brother Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, and former Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan be sentenced to death.

Saddam sat silently and occasionally took notes as chief prosecutor Jaafar al-Moussawi delivered his arguments.

The arguments begin the final phase of proceedings in the eight-month-old trial. The defense is scheduled to present its closing arguments starting July 10th.

The trial includes charges of crimes against humanity for the crackdown on Shi'ites following an assassination attempt against Saddam in 1982.