이스라엘 공습작전으로 팔레스타인 고위 지위관 포함 11명 사망 (영문 첨부)

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An Israeli air strike in Gaza City has killed at least 11 people and wounded more than 30.

Palestinian medics say nine civilians are among the dead and they include two children. Israel says its aircraft attacked a van carrying Palestinian militants on their way to fire rockets into southern Israel.

A top rocket launcher for the Islamic Jihad was reported killed in the strike. A commander for the militant group vowed to avenge the Israeli attack.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas denounced Israel's aerial attack as "state terrorism," and he called on the international community to act immediately "to put an end to Israeli aggression."

In Jerusalem, (Israeli) Defense Minister Amir Peretz said Israeli forces no longer feel any need to use restraint in their operations against Palestinian militants.