부쉬 대통령, 국제적 테러와의 전쟁 지원하는 호주에 감사 (영문 첨부)

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부쉬 대통령은 또한 지난 15일 자신이 발표한 이민 계획은 멕시코와의 접경 지대에서 국경 순찰이 강화되는데 도움이 될 것이라고 말했습니다.


President Bush has thanked Australia for its support in Afghanistan and Iraq and for efforts in the global war against terrorism.

President Bush hosted Australian Prime Minister John Howard at the White House today (Tuesday). He said they discussed Iraq, North Korea, Iran, and energy and trade.

In a joint news conference, Mr. Bush also addressed a question about a widely reported, U.S. government program that collects the phone records of millions of Americans.

He said he has been clear that the United States does not listen to phone calls of Americans without court approval. He said the United States is working within the law to protect the country against the threat of al-Qaida.

He also said his immigration plan that he announced Monday will help the border patrol along the Mexican border better do its job.