NSA 고객 통화기록 수집 둘러싸고 美행정부 - 스펙터 의원 공방 (영문기사 첨부)

미국 행정부와 공화당 중진 상원의원간에 국가안보국, NSA의 미 미국민 개인 통화기록 수집문제를 놓고 공방을 벌이고 있습니다.

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A top U.S. lawmaker says the White House has failed to adequately brief Congress on an anti-terrorism program to collect data about telephone calls.

Republican Senator Arlen Specter told CBS television today (Sunday) that lawmakers should be informed about the size of the program and its legal basis. A U.S. newspaper (USA Today) reported last week that the National Security Agency was collecting data on millions of telephone calls.

Civil liberties groups have condemned the program as illegal.

President Bush's national security advisor Stephen Hadley, however, says the government's efforts to fight terrorism are within the law.

He told CNN television that the Supreme Court has ruled in other cases that privacy protections do not apply to phone call data, such as the time of a call and the number dialed.