태국 헌법재판소 총선 무효화, 새로운 선거 명령 (영문첨부)

태국의 헌법재판소는 지난 4월 2일에 실시됐던 총선을 무효화하고 새로운 총선을 실시할 것을 명령했습니다.

법원 관계자들은 태국의 헌법 재판소의 판사들이 찬성과 반대 8대6의 비율로 총선 무효화를 결의했다고 전했습니다.

또한 새 총선 실시 여부와 관련해서 이들 판사는 9명이 찬성하고 5명이 반대했습니다. 태국헌법재판소는 이제 선거관리위원회와 새총선 날짜에 관해 협의할 예정입니다.


Thailand's top court has nullified the country's April second parliamentary elections and ordered a new vote.

Court officials say the judges of Thailand's Constitutional Court ruled the elections were invalid by a margin of eight to six. They also voted nine to five to call new elections.

The court will now consult with Thailand's Election Commission on a date for the rerun of the parliamentary polls.

The case for scrapping the elections was brought by a group of academics who filed several petitions arguing the vote was badly organized and violated Thai election laws.

The academics said the election was scheduled too soon after the dissolution of parliament in February. They also said the positioning of polling booths compromised the privacy of voters.