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U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw are in Iraq to press the country's political leaders to break a months-long impasse and form a new government.

The two diplomats flew in secret under tight security from Britain today (Sunday) in a joint effort to spur political talks that have dragged on since Iraqi parliamentary elections in mid-December.

Straw and Rice were meeting with Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, President Jalal Talabani and other officials.

The visit comes as political pressure mounts on al-Jaafari to step aside as the Shi'ite nominee for a second term as prime minister. Kurdish and Sunni leaders say he has failed to stem Iraq's insurgency.

Meanwhile, a U.S. statement says a U.S. military helicopter lost Saturday south of Baghdad was shot down. The statement said the two pilots of the aircraft are presumed dead.