벨로루시 대통령 선거 항의시위 연일 계속 (영문기사 첨부)

구 소련공화국 벨로루시에서 이번 주에 실시된 대통령 선거에서 알렉산드르 루카셴코 대통령의 재당선에 항의하는 야당 지지자들의 시위가 수도, 민스크에서 철야로 계속되고 있습니다.

수 천 명의 항의시위자들은 민스크의 10월광장에 매일같이 모여 이번 주의 투표실시를 규탄하며 선거무효를 주장하고 있습니다. 적어도 300 명 가량의 시위자들은 시위가 계속되도록 하기 위해 영하의 추운 날씨속에 야영을 하고 있습니다.

경찰은 시위자들 주위를 에워싸고 있으나 이들을 해산시키려는 움직임은 보이지 않고 있습니다.


Opposition activists in are continuing their around-the-clock protest in the center of Minsk, denouncing the conduct of the vote this week that re-elected Alexander Lukashenko president of the former Soviet republic.

Thousands of people have gathered daily for protest rallies at October Square in the Belarusian capital, and at least 300 have camped out each night in freezing conditions to keep the demonstration going.

Some reports today (Thursday) say the number of protesters has been declining day by day, but those who spent a third night outdoors in sub-zero temperatures, dancing and singing folk songs to keep warm, are hopeful the demonstration will grow in size before a massive rally called for Saturday.

The protesters are demanding annulment of the election and calling for a new vote between the incumbent, President Lukashenko, and opposition leader Alexander Milinkevich. Authorities in Minsk have rejected international monitors' objections and are expected to certify (today) the results of Sunday's vote, which was reported as a 13-to-1 landslide for Mr. Lukashenko.

Police surround the protesters, but they have made no attempt to disperse the crowd by force. Opposition activists say more than 100 people have been arrested this week, usually while approaching or leaving the protest camp.