美 합참의장, 이라크 주둔 미군 및 영국군 철수 보도 일축 (영문기사 첨부)

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한편, 이라크 주둔 미군 병력의 즉각철수를 주장해 온 미국 하원 민주당 소속 죤 머사 의원은 이라크 주둔 연합군 병력은 지금, 내전 상황에 갇혀있으며 대부분의 이라크인들이 연합군의 철수를 원하고 있다고 주장했습니다.


A top U.S. general has denied British news reports alleging that American and British forces plan to withdraw completely from Iraq within the next year.

Two British newspapers reported Sunday that senior British defense officials said the presence of foreign troops is now the biggest obstacle to peace in Iraq.

But in an interview on American television (Fox News Sunday), General Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, flatly denied the reports of a scheduled withdrawal. He said coalition commanders would continue to assess conditions on the ground and adjust troop levels as necessary.