부쉬 대통령 지지율 재임중 최저로 추락 (영문기사 첨부)

미국 조지 부시 대통령에 대한 미국민의 지지도가 부시 대통령 재임기간중 최저 수준으로 하락한 것으로 여론 조사 결과 나타났습니다.

새로운 여론 조사 결과, 부쉬 대통령의 지지율은 지난달 급격히 하락했으며 응답자 가운데 59퍼센트는 부시 대통령의 정책을 지지하지 않는다고 답한 것으로 나타났습니다.

구체적인 사안에 있어, 대부분의 미국인들은 부시 대통령의 테러와의 전쟁 수행정책을 지지하지 않는 것으로 여론 조사 결과 나타났습니다.


A public-opinion survey shows President Bush's approval rating with the American people has fallen to the lowest level of his presidency.

Results of the new poll (compiled by the C.B.S. News network) show Mr. Bush's popularity has declined sharply during the past month (with his approval rating dropping from 42 percent to 34 percent). And nearly three-fifths (59 percent) of those who were surveyed say they disapprove of the president's policies.

On specific issues, the opinion survey shows that most Americans (50 percent to 43 percent) now disapprove of Mr. Bush's handling of the war on terrorism. Popular support for U.S. military and political action in Iraq also is at a low point, with fewer than one in three of those who were surveyed (30 percent) saying they approve of the job the president has been doing. (CBS News says its poll consisted of a telephone survey over the past week of slightly more than one thousand people.)