미국-인도 핵 기술공유, 어려움 상존 - 번즈 미 국무차관보 (영문기사 첨부)

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A top U.S. diplomat says the United States and India still face difficulties before they seal a pact giving the South Asian country access to restricted nuclear technology. U.S. Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns told a news conference in New Delhi today (Friday) he hopes the two sides can reach an agreement in the not-too-distant future.

Burns said the bilateral deal being negotiated is complex and difficult. Under the proposed deal, the United States will share civilian nuclear technology with India and allow the supply of nuclear fuel to New Delhi.

In return, India is to separate its civilian and military nuclear programs and allow international inspection of its atomic facilities. Burns made his remarks at the end of two-days of talks with Indian officials in New Delhi.