[영상뉴스]"무선통신 기술발전의 독버섯 - 덩달아 확산되는 미국 포르노 산업" (Mobile Pornography a Rising Trend)

The evolution of video-capable wireless devices is allowing cell phone and IPOD users to access pornography through mobile technology. VOA's Crystal Park has more.

The pornography industry is estimated to rake in 10 billion dollars a year in the U.S. Now, it may expand its empire through mobile devices like IPODS and cellphones. Harvey Kaplan, an online pornography entrepreneur, says it is inevitable.

SOT HARVEY KAPLAN, pornography retailer
"I think there are hundreds of companies lined up to capitalize. It's just a matter of who's going to do it first and see the mistakes in order to build a better mouse trap."

According to one industry estimate, worldwide mobile pornography sales will total a billion dollars this year꿼p more than 50 percent over last year. Porn star Ron Jeremy has starred in the big screen and now has licensed his name to a company that sells porn for the very small screen.

"I think it'll spread a lot with word of mouth because you know like guys will say, 'Hey, Louie, look at this. Look what I got over here'".

And family groups reluctantly agree. Charmaine Yoest from the Family Research Council says one of the worst aspects is that kids will have easy access to the explicit material.

SOT CHARMAINE YOEST, Family Research Council
"?now with these mobile devices, you have porn walking around and there are all kinds of opportunities for kids to be exposed to it."

Cell phone companies are introducing tools that will allow customers to block porn. But some teenagers say it won't be hard to get around them.

"There's parental controls on computers but kids still look at porn on computers."

Family groups are pressuring the government to crack down. For now, parents and pornographers are in rare agreement: the best way to protect children, they all say, is parental vigilance.
Crystal Park, VOA News

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