사담 후세인 전 이라크 대통령 재판 재개 (영문기사첨부)

전 이라크 독재자 사담 후세인에 대한 재판이 바그다드에서 재개된 가운데 증인 한명이 지난 1980년대 발생한 두자이 마을 대량 학살 사건에 후세인이 직접 개입한 데 대해 증언했습니다.

사담 후세인및 7명의 측근에 대한 재판은 이라크 총선거로 2주일동안 휴회된 후 재개됐습니다. 전 이라크 대통령은 지난 7일의 재판에는 출석을 거부했으나 21일의 재판에는 출석했습니다. 재판을 지켜보고 있는 여러나라의 특파원들은 68세의 사담이 이전 재판때보다는 누그러진 모습을 보였다고 전했습니다.

사담 및 다른 피고들은 23년전 실패로 끝난 후세인 암살 기도가 처음 발생했던 두자이 마을에서 140여명의 시아파 회교도들을 학살하도록 명령한 혐의를 받고 있습니다. 사담은 증인 알리 하산 알 하이다리가 당시 자신이 본것과 가족들이 겪은 살육에 관해 증언하는 것을 청취했으며 이를 메모했습니다.


Saddam Hussein's trial has resumed in Baghdad, where a witness is testifying about the former Iraqi dictator's personal involvement in a village massacre during the 1980s. Proceedings against Saddam and seven of his lieutenants resumed after a two-week break for Iraq's parliamentary elections.

The ousted Iraqi president had refused to attend the trial's previous session (on December 7), but he was in court today (Wednesday). The defendant interrupted the testimony to ask for a brief recess for noon prayers. When the judge refused his request, Saddam turned away from the bench and appeared to pray from his seat in the defendants' enclosure in the courtroom.

Correspondents watching the trial say the 68-year-old defendant appeared more subdued than he was during previous court appearances. Saddam and his co-defendants are accused of ordering or carrying out the torture and killing of more than 140 Shi'ite Muslims 23 years ago in the village of Dujail, which was the launching point for an unsuccessful attempt to kill Saddam. If convicted, they could be sentenced to death.

Saddam listened and took notes today as witness Ali Hassan al-Haidari (who was 14 years old at the time of the Dujail massacre) described the abuse and carnage that he saw and his family experienced.