아프카니스탄 주둔 미군 약 2500명 감축 예정 (영문기사 첨부) 

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아프가니스탄 주둔 미군 병력 감축은 도널드 럼스펠드 국방장관의 명령에 따른 것으로 북대서양조약기구, 나토군이 아프가니스탄 남부지역 사령부를 인수하고 나토 병력수를 증원키로 합의함으로써 예상돼 온 것입니다.

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The Pentagon says Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has ordered a reduction in the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan from 19,000 to about 16,500 during the next several months.

The reduction had been anticipated after NATO agreed to take control of an American command center in southern Afghanistan and to boost its troop numbers.

Pentagon officials also said the number of Afghan troops is growing and the country's political process is developing, allowing for a reduced U.S. presence.