<strong><font color = 065883>[심층보도]</strong></font> 유엔 아동기금의 충격보고 - 기본적인 보호에서 소외된 어린이 세계적으로 수억명에 달해 (영문기사 첨부)

유엔 아동기금 (유네세프) 보고서는 매년 5천여만건의 어린이 출산이 기록되지 않고 있어 이들은 교육과 건강보호 등 양육상의 기본적인 도움조차 받지 못하는 상황이라고 지적했습니다.

또 개발도상국 어린이 13명 가운데 1명은 고아이며 후천성면역결핍증 (에이즈) 으로 인해 고아가 된 어린이만도 1천5백만명에 이릅니다.

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하지만 이들은 가짜여권을 갖고 아일랜드에 도착하자 마자 한 아파트로 끌려가 매춘을 강요받았습니다. 파나이테씨는 다른 소녀들이 자신의 사례에서 뭔가를 배우기 바란다고 말했습니다.

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비네먼 대표는 어린이 인신매매 등 문제에 대처하려면 좀더 강력한 법 집행과 국가간 협조가 필요하다고 말했습니다.


INTRO: A new U.N. report says hundreds of millions of children are excluded from essential services and denied protection around the world, leaving them open to exploitation and discrimination. VOA's Michael Drudge has more from London, where the report has been released.

TEXT: The findings of the United Nations Children's Fund make for grim reading.

More than 50-million child births go unregistered each year, exposing those children to denial of access to essential services such as education and health care.

One in every 13 children in developing countries are orphans. The AIDS epidemic alone has orphaned 15-million children.

About a quarter-of-a-million youngsters are serving as child soldiers in conflicts around the world. And an estimated 171-million children are working in hazardous jobs around dangerous machinery, in mines or on farms.

UNICEF Executive Director Ann Veneman says societies tend to ignore these children.


"They are the world's most vulnerable children, trapped in circumstances that push them to the margins and shadows of society. They are children who are not registered at birth and grow up without an identity. They are the children who suffer the death of one or both parents. They are children who are forced into adult roles when they should be at school or at play. "

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Appearing with Ms. Veneman at a London news conference was Corina Panaite, a 20-year-old Romanian woman who told a tale of the sexual exploitation of children that is going on in Europe.

Ms. Panaite says that when she was 17, a friend enticed her to travel to Ireland to work in a restaurant. But when they arrived, after traveling on false passports, they were taken to an apartment and forced to work as prostitutes. Ms. Panaite hopes other girls learn from her example.


"When I left home my dream was to have a better life abroad. Now I realize my future is in my country. I have a message for all the girls who have dreams like me. Please be more careful when somebody helps you to go abroad and promises you a faster way to achieve your dreams."

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The UNICEF chief, Ms. Veneman, says the agency hopes to raise public awareness of what is happening to exploited children, which could lead to more pressure on governments to act.

She said many of the issues, such as combating child trafficking, will require stricter law enforcement and regional cooperation. (SIGNED)