미국 ABC TV 앵커 테드 카플 은퇴 (영문기사 첨부)

미국 ABC-TV 방송의 심야 뉴스 프로그램 ‘나이트라인’을 25년 동안 진행해 왔던 원로 방송인 테드카플 씨가 22일 방송을 마지막으로 은퇴했습니다.

카플 씨는 ABC에서 42년간의 방송계 활동을 마감하는 가운데 이날 마지막 방송에서 25년 동안 한 프로그램을 장기 진행해 온 것은 일종의 기쁨이요 특권이었다고 말했습니다.


Veteran U.S. journalist Ted Koppel has signed off as host of "Nightline," bidding farewell to viewers of the popular late night ABC news program he has anchored for more than 25-years.

In his final broadcast Tuesday night, Koppel said, "It's been a joy and privilege to occupy this chair" as he capped a 42-year career at ABC news. "Nightline" grew out of a series of late-night news specials on ABC devoted to coverage of the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979. Koppel spent several months anchoring those specials and stayed on to become host of "Nightline" when it debuted as a regular news program in March 1980.

Koppel was known for his measured delivery and tenacious interview style. "Nightline" will continue with a trio of new hosts (Martin Bashir, Cynthia McFadden and Terry Moran).