파키스탄, 지진피해 복구로 F-16 전폭기 구입계획 연기 (영문기사 첨부)

파키스탄은 지난 10월8일에 일어난 대규모 지진피해 이재민들에 대한 구호활동을 확대하기 위해 미국제 F-16 전폭기 구입을 연기할 예정입니다.

파키스탄 대통령,페르베스 무샤라프 장군은 4일, 지진피해 지역을 돌아보는 가운데 피해지역에 대한 구호와 복구를 최대한 확대해야한다면서 미국 전폭기 구입연기 계획을 발표했습니다.

무샤라프 장군은 이보다 앞서 지진피해 구호를 위한 재정을 늘리기 위해 방위예산을 삭감하지는 않을 것이라고 말했습니다.


Pakistan says it will postpone the purchase of F-16 fighter jets from the United States in order to provide more relief to victims of the devastating October eighth earthquake.

President Pervez Musharraf made the announcement today (Friday) during a tour of quake-hit areas. He said "We want to bring maximum relief and reconstruction efforts." Mr. Musharraf had earlier said his country did not plan to cut into its defense budget to increase funds for relief efforts.

On Thursday, Jordan's Queen Rania, speaking on behalf of the U.N. children's fund, called for help to immunize Pakistani children against disease. UNICEF officials say they are planning a measles vaccination program, and rescue workers also warned that cases of acute respiratory infection and diarrhea have been increasing.

Pakistan this week raised its death toll from the quake to more than 73-thousand.