이란 모든 핵 작업 중지 촉구 결의안 제안 - 유엔연합 (영문기사 첨부)

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The European Union has proposed an International Atomic Energy Agency resolution calling on Iran to stop all nuclear fuel work.

The draft, proposed by France, Britain, and Germany, will be considered by the U.N. agency Thursday.

Delegates from the IAEA have been discussing a response to Iran's decision to resume uranium processing.

Earlier Wednesday, Iran broke U.N. seals placed on parts of its Isfahan uranium processing plant. The U.S. State Department called the move a "negative step" that further isolates Iran from the international community.

Tehran agreed to suspend uranium conversion last year, to counter U.S. and European suspicions that it was secretly trying to develop fuel for nuclear weapons. The European Union has threatened to refer Iran to the U.N. Security Council for possible sanctions if Tehran resumed the suspect fuel work.