불가리아의 고대 트라키아 제왕 무덤에서 보물 쏟아져 (영문기사 첨부)

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트라키아 제국은 3세기 까지 4천 년 이상 지속됐습니다.


Archaeologists in southeastern Bulgaria say they have discovered treasure in the newly unearthed tomb of an ancient Thracian king.

The scientists discovered a gold crown, gold and silver body armor, and numerous silver and gold cups in the tomb of an unidentified king they estimate lived some 23-hundred years ago.

They say the king was buried along with his dog and two horses. Southern Bulgaria is dotted with Thracian tombs, but the head of Bulgaria's national museum says this new archaeological find is believed to be the richest Thracian tomb discovery in the last 100 years.

Modern Bulgaria is located at the center of the ancient Thracian civilization, which extended from southwestern Europe to the Caucasus region. The empire lasted for more than four-thousand years, until the third century.