아프카니스탄 도로변 폭탄테러, 미군 2명 사망 1명 부상 (영문기사 첨부)

3일 아프가니스탄 서남부 지역에서 발생한 도로변 폭탄 테러로 미군 두 명이 숨지고 다른 한 명이 다쳤다고 미군 당국이 밝혔습니다.

미군 당국은 이 폭탄 테러는 파키스탄 국경 부근에 있는 팍티카성에서 발생했다고 전했습니다.

이 폭탄 테러는 며칠째 계속돼온 아프가니스탄 유혈 폭력사태의 극을 이뤘으며 당국은 이것을 탈레반 반군의 소행으로 보고있습니다.


U.S. military officials in Afghanistan say two American soldiers have been killed and another wounded in a roadside bomb attack in southeast Afghanistan.

The U.S. military says the soldiers were in a convoy in Paktika province, near the Pakistani border, when their vehicle was hit by a blast late Friday. The military says an Afghan interpreter was also wounded in the blast.

Friday's bomb attack capped several days of bloody violence in Afghanistan blamed on Taleban rebels.

Officials say the former chief of police of Deshu district in the southern Helmand province was killed Friday by a roadside bomb. A government official was killed Thursday in an ambush in neighboring Zabul province.

Taleban fighters have been waging an insurgency since U.S.-led forces ousted the militia in the aftermath of the September 11th, 2001 attacks on the United States.