Make the cut / Miss the cut

English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다.

I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!

Hi everyone, this is Jennifer Yoo with ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo!의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.

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Make the cut / Miss the cut

오늘의 영어 표현은 ’Make the cut’ and ‘Miss the cut’입니다.

What does it mean to make or miss the cut? Let’s find out, but first we will listen to today’s conversation. 그럼 오늘의 대화를 들어보면서 make the cut 또는 miss the cut이 무슨 뜻인지 알아 보겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요.


Jen: Hey, how did you do on the soccer team tryouts? Did you make the cut?

Jason: I’m not sure yet. I will find out next week. I hope I make the cut because I’ve trained so hard for it.

Jen: I’m sure you will so don’t worry.

Jason: Yes, you’re right. Thanks.

제가 Jason에게 “Hey, how did you do on the soccer team tryouts? Did you make the cut? 축구팀 선발 경기 어땠니? 통과한 거야?라고 묻자 Jason는 “I’m not sure yet. I will find out next week. 아직 몰라. 아마 다음 주에 결과가 나올 거야. I hope I make the cut because I’ve trained so hard for it. 축구팀 최종 명단에 꼭 들어가야 해. 내가 얼마나 연습을 열심히 했는데. ”라고 하네요. 이어 제가 “I’m sure you will so don’t worry. 야, 걱정하지 마. 넌 꼭 될 거야.”라고 격려해 줬습니다. 오늘의 표현’ make the cut’ 또는 ‘miss the cut’ 잘 기억 하시고요. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?


Jen: Hey, how did you do on the soccer team tryouts? Did you make the cut?

Jason: I’m not sure yet. I will find out next week. I hope I make the cut because I’ve trained so hard for it.

Jen: I’m sure you will so don’t worry.

Jason: Yes, you’re right. Thanks.

오늘 영어표현은 make the cut또는 miss the cut입니다. If you make the cut, you reach a required standard or succeed in passing from one round of a competition to the next. On the other hand, if you miss the cut, you have failed to reach a required standard and you don’t advance to the next round of the competition. Miss the cut is basically the opposite meanings of ‘make the cut’. Make the cut은 특정 목표를 달성하다, 통과하다, 또는 성공하다 라는 뜻입니다. 반대로 miss the cut은 특정 목표를 달성하지 못하다, 실패하다 라는 뜻이고요. Here is an example. Robert trained very hard and managed to make the cut on the basketball team. 라고 하면 Robert은 열심히 훈련해서 농구팀에 들어갔다. 라는 뜻이 됩니다. 또 다를 예를 들어 보겠습니다. Wendy was extremely sad that she missed the cut to compete in the next tennis match.라고 하면 웬디는 그 다음 테니스 경기를 통과 못 해서 아주 마음 아파했다. 라는 뜻이 됩니다. Now you know what ‘make the cut’ or ‘miss the cut’ means right? Now let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.


Jen: Hey, how did you do on the soccer team tryouts? Did you make the cut?

Jason: I’m not sure yet. I will find out next week. I hope I make the cut because I’ve trained so hard for it.

Jen: I’m sure you will so don’t worry.

Jason: Yes, you’re right. Thanks.

Let’s review. If you make the cut, it means that have reached a required standard or passed from one round of competition to the next. If you miss the cut, you have failed to reach a required standard to advance to the next round of competition. 그럼 다음 시간에 다시 뵙겠습니다. 지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO에 Jennifer Yoo입니다. Bye Bye!