Elvis has left the building

English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다.

I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!

Hi everyone, this is Jennifer Yoo and with ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo!의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.

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[오디오 듣기] Elvis has left the building

오늘의 영어 표현은 Elvis has left the building입니다.

Today, we’re going to find out what ‘Elvis has left the building’ means. This phrase is common in American English. But first we’ll listen to a conversation Jason and Mike had. 그럼 오늘의 대화를 들어보면서 ‘Elvis has left the building ‘이 무슨 뜻인지 알아 보겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요.

Elvis has left the building
Jason: Hey, I heard you went to a concert last night! How was it?
Mike: Yes, I did! It was a local band that was playing. They were awesome!
Jason: Oh nice!
Mike: Their performance was so good that the audience was lingering in hopes of seeing an encore, but we were told by the emcees that Elvis has left the building and the show was over.
Jason: Oh bummer!

Jason이 “Hey, I heard you went to a concert last night! How was it? 너 음악회 갔었다며, 어땠어?”라고 묻자, Mike가 “Yes, I did! It was a local band that was playing. They were awesome! 응, 우리 지역 밴드였는데 공연 정말 대단했어.”라고 말하고 있어요. Jason이 “Oh nice! 멋졌겠구나!”라고 말하자, Mike가 “It was so good that the audience was lingering in hopes of seeing an encore, but we were told by the emcees that Elvis has left the building and the show was over. 공연을 하도 멋지게 하니까 관객들이 연주를 더 청해서 듣고 싶은 맘에 자리를 뜨지 않았어. 하지만 사회자가 공연이 끝났으니 다들 돌아가라고 하더라고. 그 말을 들은 Jason은 “Oh bummer! 다들 실망했겠구나.”라고 말합니다.

Elvis has left the building
Jason: Hey, I heard you went to a concert last night! How was it?
Mike: Yes, I did! It was a local band that was playing. They were awesome!
Jason: Oh nice!
Mike: Their performance was so good that the audience was lingering in hopes of seeing an encore, but we were told by the emcees that Elvis has left the building and the show was over.
Jason: Oh bummer!

오늘의 표현은 Elvis has left the building입니다.

The phrase Elvis has left the building is said to mark the end of a show. It simply means that the show is over and the audience should go home. Elvis has left the building 은 ‘공연이나 진행 중이던 일이 끝나다’라는 뜻입니다. 오늘의 표현에 나오는 Elvis 는 미국의 가수 겸 영화 배우Elvis Presley를 말하는데요, 1950년대와 60년대 세계적인 인기를 누리던 대중 예술인이었죠. 빼어난 외모에 뛰어난 노래 솜씨 그리고 열정적인 춤 실력으로 무대를 휘어잡았으니 사람들이 얼마나 열광을 했겠습니까? At the end of Elvis Presley’s performances large crowds would remain in hopes that he would come out and perform again. So the concert announcers used this phrase to disperse the crowds. 그러니 Elvis Presley가 공연을 끝내고 나올 때면 관객들이 노래를 더 듣고 싶다고 환호를 보내는 게 당연했겠죠. 그런 관객들을 진정시키고 모든 일정을 안전하게 마무리 짓기 위해 공연이 끝났으니 집에 가라는 뜻으로 “Please, young people, Elvis has left the building.”이라고 말했다고 합니다. 공연이 어땠을지 대충 상상이 가시죠? 자, 그러면 여기서 예문을 들어보겠습니다. 유명한 가수의 공연을 마치고 무대로 뛰어드는 팬들에게 “Everyone please, do not go on the stage. Elvis has left the building and the show is over. 여러분 무대로 뛰어오르지 마세요 이제 공연이 다 끝났어요.”라고 말할 수 있다는 거죠. 오늘의 표현 ‘Elvis has left the building’ 꼭 기억하시고요. Now we’ll listen to this conversation for the last time.

Elvis has left the building
Jason: Hey, I heard you went to a concert last night! How was it?
Mike: Yes, I did! It was a local band that was playing. They were awesome!
Jason: Oh nice!
Mike: Their performance was so good that the audience was lingering in hopes of seeing an encore, but we were told by the emcees that Elvis has left the building and the show was over.
Jason: Oh bummer!

So remember that the phrase ‘Elvis has left the building’ is said to mark the end of a show or an event. 다음 시간에 다시 뵙겠습니다. 지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO에 Jennifer Yoo입니다. Bye bye!