Ditch someone or something

English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다.

I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!

Hi everyone, this is Jennifer Yoo and welcome to ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo! 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.

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[오디오 듣기] Ditch (someone or something)

오늘의 영어 표현은 Ditch (someone or something) 입니다.

In today's conversation, Paul wants to ditch class. Let's find out why and also, talk about what it means to ditch someone or something. 그럼 오늘의 대화를 들어보면서 ‘Ditch class’ 이 무슨 뜻인지 알아 보겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요.

Ditch (someone or something)
Paul: Uh-oh…I’m not even close to finishing our group project for class.
Alicia: It’s due tomorrow though. What are you going to do?
Paul: I think I’m going to ditch class and go over to the library to finish it. Better late than never!
Alicia: So you’re just not going to show up to class? You shouldn’t do that. Just tell the professor the truth and ask him for an extra day to finish. I’m sure he’ll understand.
Alicia: You’re right. I’ll email him now.

Paul이 Alicia에게 “Uh-oh…I’m not even close to finishing our group project for class. 나 아직도 수업 과제 못 끝냈어.”라고 말하자, Alicia는 “It’s due tomorrow though. What are you going to do? 그거 내일까지잖아! 어떻게 하려고 해?”라고 묻고 있어요. 그러자, Paul은 “I think I’m going to ditch class and go over to the library to finish it. 그래서 오늘 수업 빠지고 도서관 가서 다 하려고.Better late than never! 안 하는 것보다는 늦게라도 하는게 낫잖아!”라고 말하고 있네요. Alicia는 “So you’re just not going to show up to class? You shouldn’t do that. 어머! 수업에 안 들어오겠다는거야? 그러면 안돼. Just tell the professor the truth and ask him for an extra day to finish. 그냥 교수님한테 사실대로 말하고 시간을 좀 더 달라고 하는 건 어때? I’m sure he’ll understand. 분명히 이해해주실거야.”라고 말하네요. 그러자 Paul은 “You’re right…I’ll email him now. 그래 듣고보니 네 말이 맞네… 지금 교수님께 메일 보내야겠다.”라고 얘기합니다.
Let’s listen to the conversation again. Listen carefully.

Ditch (someone or something)
Paul: Uh-oh…I’m not even close to finishing our group project for class.
Alicia: It’s due tomorrow though. What are you going to do?
Paul: I think I’m going to ditch class and go over to the library to finish it. Better late than never!
Alicia: So you’re just not going to show up to class? You shouldn’t do that. Just tell the professor the truth and ask him for an extra day to finish. I’m sure he’ll understand.
Alicia: You’re right. I’ll email him now.

오늘의 영어표현은 Ditch (someone or something)입니다. The word ‘ditch’ has several meanings. If you use the word ‘ditch’ as a noun, it is talking about a narrow channel that’s dug in the ground, which is used for drainage alongside a road or the edge of a field. Ditch는 명사로서 도랑, 배수로라는 뜻이고요 When you use the word ‘ditch’ as a verb, it means that you abandon or get rid of someone or something. 동사로서는 ‘더 이상 원하지 않거나 필요가 없어서 버리다, 누군가를 따돌리다 또는 (~)을 빼먹다’ 라는 뜻으로 쓸수있습니다. So in today’s conversation, Paul wanted to ditch class that he was responsible of showing up to. 본문에서 Paul은 “I think I’m going to ditch class 수업을 빼먹을거야” 라고 했죠?

예를 한번 들어볼까요? 친구와의 약속을 어기고 남자 친구와 함께 시간을 보내게 된 Janet을 보고 “Janet ditched her friends so she could hang out with her new boyfriend.”라고 말할 수 있습니다.

오늘의 영어표현 Ditch (someone or something) 꼭 알아두시고요 Now let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.

Ditch (someone or something)
Paul: Uh-oh…I’m not even close to finishing our group project for class.
Alicia: It’s due tomorrow though. What are you going to do?
Paul: I think I’m going to ditch class and go over to the library to finish it. Better late than never!
Alicia: So you’re just not going to show up to class? You shouldn’t do that. Just tell the professor the truth and ask him for an extra day to finish. I’m sure he’ll understand.
Alicia: You’re right. I’ll email him now.

오늘의 영어 표현, ‘Ditch (someone or something) ‘더 이상 원하지 않거나 필요가 없어서 버리다, 누군가를 따돌리다또는 (~)을 빼먹다’’ 꼭 기억해두세요!

지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO의 Jennifer Yoo입니다. Until next time, Bye-bye!