A know-it-all

English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다.

I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!

Hi everyone, this is Jennifer Yoo and welcome to ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo! 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.

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[오디오 듣기] A know-it-all

오늘의 영어 표현은 A know-it-all 입니다.

Listen carefully to today’s conversation and we’ll find out what a ‘know-it-all’ means. 그럼 오늘의 대화를 들어보면서 ‘A know-it-all’ 이 무슨 뜻인지 알아 보겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요.

A know-it- all
Brandon: Hey, I’m encountering a know-it-all coworker and it’s frustrating me. What should I do?
Alicia: Oh no! What exactly is going on?
Brandon: Every time I am working on a project, he comes over and tells me what I should or should not be doing.He thinks he knows everything!
Alicia: I think it is best not to engage in an ongoing conversation with them.
Brandon: You’re right. I’ll give that a try! Thanks!

Brandon 은 Alicia에게 “Hey, I’m encountering a know-it-all coworker and it’s frustrating me. What should I do? 요즘 아는 척을 많이 하는 회사 동료 때문에 속상해. 대체 어떻게 해야 돼?”라고 말하자, Alicia는 “Oh no! What exactly is going on? 정말? 좀 자세하게 얘기해봐. ”라고 하네요. 그러자, Brandon 은 “Every time I am working on a project, he comes over and tells me what I should or should not be doing. He thinks he knows everything! 그게 말이야. 내가 일을 하고 있을 때마다 와서는 이건 해야 되고 저건 하면 안 된다며 간섭을 하고 아는척을 너무 많이 하는거있지.” 라고 답합니다. 그러자 Alicia은 “I think it’s best not to engage in an ongoing conversation with them and just say ‘thank you'. 내 생각엔 그런 사람들이 뭐라고 하던 싱경쓰지말고 그냥 ‘감사합니다’ 라고하면 좀 괜찮을꺼야." 라고 말하고 있어요. 이에 대해 Brandon은 “You’re right. I’ll give that a try! Thanks! 네 말이 맞아. 한 번 해볼게 고마워!’라며 대답하고 있네요.
Let’s listen to the conversation again.

A know-it- all
Brandon: Hey, I’m encountering a know-it-all coworker and it’s frustrating me. What should I do?
Alicia: Oh no! What exactly is going on?
Brandon: Every time I am working on a project, he comes over and tells me what I should or should not be doing. He thinks he knows everything!
Alicia: I think it is best not to engage in an ongoing conversation with them.
Brandon: You’re right. I’ll give that a try! Thanks!

오늘의 영어 표현은 A know-it-all입니다. A know-it-all is someone who acts as if he or she knows everything and ignores the opinions, comments, or suggestions of others. A know-it-all은 “아는 척 하는 ,똑똑한 척 하는” 뜻으로 실제로 잘 알지 못하면서도 마치 모든걸 다 알고 있는 것처럼 말하고 행동하는 사람을 가리킵니다. Let me give you an example. If you have a younger sister who thinks she knows everything and doesn’t even bother to listen to anything you say, 모든걸 다 아는 척하고 큰언니 의 의견을 듯지 않는 여동생에게 you may tell her this 이렇게 말할수있겠죠 “Hey sister, stop being a know-it-all and hear me out” 라고요.

그럼 오늘의 표현, ‘a know-it-all’ 꼭 기역해두시고let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.

A know-it- all
Brandon: Hey, I’m encountering a know-it-all coworker and it’s frustrating me. What should I do?
Alicia: Oh no! What exactly is going on?
Brandon: Every time I am working on a project, he comes over and tells me what I should or should not be doing. I understand that he is giving me suggestions. He thinks he knows everything!
Alicia: I think it is best not to engage in an ongoing conversation with them.
Brandon: You’re right. I’ll give that a try! Thanks!

오늘의 영어 표현, ‘A know-it-all 아는 체하는, 똑똑한 체 하는A know-it-all ‘. A know-it-all is someone who acts as if he or she knows everything and ignores the opinions, comments, or suggestions of others.꼭 기억해두세요!

지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO!에Jennifer Yoo 입니다. Until next time! Bye bye!