Down the drain

English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다.

I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!

Hi everyone, this is Jennifer Yoo and welcome to ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo! 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.

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[오디오 듣기] Down the drain

오늘의 영어 표현은 Down the drain입니다.

Have you ever heard people use the phrase down the drain? Let’s talk about what that means. Let’s first listen carefully to today’s conversation.

Jay: I just spent three hours typing up a research paper. I was almost finished when my computer froze. I had to shut it down and restart it. And when it came back up my paper was gone.
Mina: Well, didn’t you save it while working?
Jay: I guess not! All that work, down the drain.

Jay는 Mina에게 “I just spent three hours typing up a research paper . I was almost finished when my computer froze. 우리 과제 있잖아. 그거 세시간동안 하고 있었는데 거의 완성됐을 때 쯤 갑자기 컴퓨터가 멈춰서. I had to shut it down and restart it. And when it came back up my paper was gone. 그래서 껐다 다시 켰는데 과제 해 놓은게 다 날아가 버렸어.” 라고 말하고 있네요. 그러자, Mina는 “Well, didn’t you save it while working? 음, 과제 하는 틈틈이 저장 안해뒀어?”라고 Jay에게 묻고 있네요. Jay는 “I guess not! All that work, down the drain. 응 안해 뒀어. 에휴, 레포트 다 날라갔다…어떻하지? 헛수고만 했네.”라고 답하고 있네요.
그럼 여기서 오늘의 대화를 다시 한 번 들어보시겠습니다.

Jay: I just spent three hours typing up a research paper. I was almost finished when my computer froze. I had to shut it down and restart it. And when it came back up my paper was gone.
Mina: Well, didn’t you save it while working?
Jay: I guess not! All that work, down the drain.

오늘의 영어 표현은 Down the drain입니다. If something goes down the drain, especially money or work, it is wasted or produces no results. ‘Down the drain’은 ‘수포로 돌아가다’라는 의미로, 화장실의 욕조나 부엌의 싱크대에서 물이 빠져 나가는 구멍을 말하는 drain으로 세숫 물 이외의 것이 빠져 나가버리면 허무하고 속상하겠죠? Down the drain은 하수구로 물이 빠져나가듯이 지금까지 공들여 온 모든 일이 순식간에 헛수고가 되어버린 경우를 표현하고 있습니다.

예를 한 번 들어볼까요? 물건을 잘 잃어버려 비가올 때 마다 우산을 새로 사는 친구에게 ‘Stop losing your umbrellas! Your money is going down the drain buying all those new ones! What a waste! 너는 돈을 낭비하고 있어.”라고 말해줄 수 있습니다. Here is another example. “If I quit this job, my 12 years of experience is going down the drain.” 난 이 일을 그만 두면 12년의 경험이 도로아미타불이 될 것 같아 두려워. So remember that you can use this idiom “down the drain” in any situation where you’re talking about something that’s lost or wasted.

오늘의 영어표현 ‘Down the drain’ 잘 기억해 두시고요. Now, let’s listen to this conversation for the last time. Listen carefully.

Jay: I just spent three hours typing up a research paper. I was almost finished when my computer froze. I had to shut it down and restart it. And when it came back up my paper was gone.
Mina: Well, didn’t you save it while working?
Jay: I guess not! All that work, down the drain.

오늘의 영어표현, ‘Down the drain 쓸 데 없는 데 시간, 돈을 낭비하다 또는 하수구로 물이 빠져나가듯이 지금까지 열심히 해 온 모든 일이 순식간에 헛수고가 되어버린 경우 Down the drain’ Don’t let go your time down the drain and study harder!’

지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO의 Jennifer Yoo였습니다.