
English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다.

I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!

Hi everyone, this is Jennifer Yoo and welcome to ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo! 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.

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[오디오 듣기] Wishy-washy

오늘의 영어 표현은 Wishy-washy 입니다.

Let’s discuss what ‘wishy-washy’ means. Listen carefully to today’s conversation. 그럼 오늘의 대화를 들어보면서 ‘wishy-washy’가 무슨 뜻인지 알아 보겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요.

Young: Hey guys! How was the internship info session yesterday? Was it helpful? I need your honest feedbacks because I’m deciding whether or not to attend next week’s session.
Christine: It was good but I wish they could have focused more on how to prepare resumes and cover letters.
Young: How about you Emily? How was it?
Emily: Hmmm….well….hmmm….
Young: Come-on Emily, don’t be so wishy-washy. Tell us how it was and how you really feel.

Young 은Christine 과 Emily 에게 “Hey guys! How was the internship info session yesterday? Was it helpful? 어제 인턴십 설명회 갔었다며? 어땠어? 도움 많이 됐어? I need your honest feedbacks because I’m deciding whether or not to attend next week’s session 다음주 설명회에 갈지 말지 아직 정하지 못해서 궁금한 점이 많은데 솔직히 말해줘.”라고 묻자 Christine이 “It was good좋았어 but I wish they could have focused more on how to prepare resumes and cover letters 음…그런데 이력서랑 자기소개서 쓰는법을 좀 더 다뤘으면 더 좋았을 것 같아.”라고 답하고 있어요. 그러자 이번에 Young은 Emily에게 “How about you Emily? How was it? Emily, 넌 어땠어”라고 물으며 다른 의견도 들어보고 싶어하고 있어요. Emily는 “Hmmm….well….hmmm…. 음…잘 모르겠어”라고 하며 머뭇거리고 있네요. 이 모습을 보고 Young은 “Come-on Emily, don’t be so wishy-washy 어우 Emily, 그렇게 우유부단해 하지말고 Tell us how it was and how you really feel 네가 느낀 그대로 말해줘.”라고 Emily에게 말하고 있네요.
Let’s listen to the conversation again.

Young: Hey guys! How was the internship info session yesterday? Was it helpful? I need your honest feedbacks because I’m deciding whether or not to attend next week’s session.
Christine: It was good but I wish they could have focused more on how to prepare resumes and cover letters.
Young: How about you Emily? How was it?
Emily: Hmmm….well….hmmm….
Young: Come-on Emily, don’t be so wishy-washy. Tell us how it was and how you really feel.

오늘의 영어 표현은 wishy-washy 입니다. When someone is wishy-washy, it means that they are uncommitted and that they do not have a certain opinion of their own. wishy-washy 는 “의견이 분명하지 않다, 우유부단하다”라는 의미로 결정을 내려야 할 순간에 결정을 내리지 못하고 망설이는 우유부단한 태도를 표현하고 있습니다. 물을 타게 되면 색깔이 좀 더 연해지지요? Wishy-washy는 ‘연하다’라는 뜻을 가진 단어 ‘washy’에서 나온 표현입니다. 예를 한번 들어볼까요? 그룹 프로젝트를 앞두고 팀원들에게 ‘I want to everyone to work together and be committed…and let’s not be wishy-washy and uncommitted. 우유부단해하지 말고 우리 모두 열심히 해보자.’라고 말할 수 있어요.
오늘의 영어 표현 ‘wishy-washy’ 꼭 기억해두시고요, now we’ll listen to this conversation for the last time. Listen carefully.

Young: Hey guys! How was the internship info session yesterday? Was it helpful? I need your honest feedbacks because I’m deciding whether or not to attend next week’s session.
Christine: It was good but I wish they could have focused more on how to prepare resumes and cover letters.
Young: How about you Emily? How was it?
Emily: Hmmm….well….hmmm….
Young: Come-on Emily, don’t be so wishy-washy. Tell us how it was and how you really feel.

오늘의 영어 표현, ‘wishy-washy 의견이 분명하지 않다, 우유부단하다 // when someone is wishy-washy, it means that they are uncommitted and that they do not have a certain opinion of their own.’ Wishy-washy꼭 기억해두세요!

지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO!에Jennifer Yoo 입니다.