See eye to eye

English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다.

I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!

Hi everyone, this is Jennifer Yoo with ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo! 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.

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[오디오 듣기] See eye to eye

오늘의 영어 표현은: See eye to eye입니다.

What does ‘see eye to eye’ mean? Well, let’s find out by listening to today’s conversation. 그럼 오늘의 대화 들어보시겠습니다.

See eye to eye
Mike: Why are there so many fights and conflicts in this world?
Lin: It’s because people don’t try to understand differences.
Mike: True. When they can’t see eye to eye on something, they start to argue.
Lin: It’s so sad that people can’t differentiate between what’s wrong and what’s different.

Mike는 Lin에게 “Why are there so many fights and conflicts in this world? 왜 이 세상엔 다툼과 갈등이 이렇게나 많은걸까?” 하고 묻고 있네요. Mike 의 말을 들은Lin은 “It’s because people don’t try to understand differences 사람들이 서로 다름을 인정하려고하지 않기 때문이야” 하고 대답하네요. 그러자 Mike는 “True 맞아”, “When they can’t see eye to eye on something, 사람들은 어떤 문제에 대해 서로 의견이 맞지 않을 때는 they start to argue 그저 다투기부터 하지”라고 하더라고요. Lin은 “It’s so sad that people can’t differentiate between what’s wrong and what’s different사람들이 틀린 것과 다른 것의 차이를 분별하지 못한다는 게 너무 슬퍼”라고 말합니다.

See eye to eye
Mike: Why are there so many fights and conflicts in this world?
Lin: It’s because people don’t try to understand differences.
Mike: True. When they can’t see eye to eye on something, they start to argue.
Lin: It’s so sad that people can’t differentiate between what’s wrong and what’s different.

오늘의 영어 표현은 See eye to eye 입니다. If two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other. See eye to eye는 말 그대로 하면, ‘눈과 눈을 마주한다’는 뜻인데요. 눈과 눈을 마주하는 상황은 어떤 상황일까요? 네, 바로 어떤 일에 대해 서로 의견이 같을 때 ‘See eye to eye’을 쓸 수 있겠습니다.

예를 들어볼까요, For example, if people are in a debate 사람들은 토론을 할 때, it’s sometimes hard for them to see eye to eye on a controversial issue 아주 논란이 되는 문제, a controversial issue 에 대해선 see eye to eye, 동의하기가 쉽지 않습니다. 오늘 대화에서Mike와 Lin도 when people can’t see eye to eye on something 사람들이 어떤 문제에 대해서 생각을 다르게 하는 상황을 얘기하고 있는데요. If you try to understand differences, 다른 사람과 나의 차이를 인정하려고 한다면 you can help make the world a better place and maybe even more peaceful세상을 평화롭게 할 수 있겠죠? Even though you can’t see eye to eye on something with someone.다른 사람과 생각이 다르더라도요.

‘See eye to eye’ 꼭 기억해두시고요, Now let’s listen to the conversation for the last time. Listen carefully.

See eye to eye
Mike: Why are there so many fights and conflicts in this world?
Lin: It’s because people don’t try to understand differences.
Mike: True. When they can’t see eye to eye on something, they start to argue.
Lin: It’s so sad that people can’t differentiate between what’s wrong and what’s different.

오늘의 영어 표현, ‘See eye to eye다른 사람과 생각이 같다, 동의하다’ See eye to eye꼭 기억해두세요!