Money is tight

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[English with Yoo] Money is tight

안녕하세요 English with Yoo! 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다. English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다.

I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!
오늘의 영어 표현은: Money is tight 입니다.

There are times when you’re tight on your budget, whether it’s due to a drop in income, a big unexpected expense, or even unforeseen and difficult situations. 가끔 돈이 부족할 때가 있죠? 월급이 줄기도 하고요 갑자기 큰돈을 쓸 일이 생기는 경우도 있습니다.

저는Chrysanthy를 만났는데, Chrysanthy는 가장 친한 친구를 도와주기로 했다고 하네요. She decided to help her best friend because she was tight on money. 친구가 요즘 돈에 쪼들리기 때문이라고 합니다.

Let’s go ahead and listen to today’s conversation.

오늘의 영어 표현은Money is tight 입니다. Listen carefully!

Money is tight
Chrysanthy: My best friend is going to have a baby girl and she is supposedly naming her middle name after me.
Jen: That’s sweet.
Chrysanthy: Chrysanthy.
Jen: Chrysanthy?
Chrysanthy: Yes, like the flower (Chrysanthemum) minus the “mum”.
Jen: Oh that’s beautiful.
Chrysanthy: Thank you. Well, I am just trying to get her enough clothes for the first few months. Money is tight.
Jen: That’s what friends are for.

Chrysanthy 친구가 최근에 아기를 낳았는데, Chrysanthy의 이름을 따서 아이의 이름을 지었다고 합니다. 그런데 그 친구가 요즘 돈이 부족해서, Chrysanthy가 “I am just trying to get her enough clothes for the first few months. Money is tight.” 자기가 몇 달치 아기 옷을 사줬다고 하네요.

Wow! Now that’s what I call a friend! 이런거야 말로 진정한 친구의 모습이죠?

오늘의 영어 표현 ‘Money is tight’ 인데요, When money is tight, it means that you are short of money or you don’t have enough money to spend. You can also say ‘I am tight of money or short of money’.

Money / M O N E Y / money 는 ‘돈’ 이라는 뜻이고요, ‘Tight / T I G H T / tight 는 ‘단단한, 꽉 조여/묶여 있는’ 이라는 말인데요Money is tight은 ‘돈에 쪼들리다 / 자금 사정이 빡빡하다 / 돈이 부족하다’ 라는 뜻입니다.

그럼 여기서 오늘의 대화를 다시 한번 들어보시겠습니다. Listen carefully.

Money is tight
Chrysanthy: My best friend is going to have a baby girl and she is supposedly naming her middle name after me.
Jen: That’s sweet.
Chrysanthy: Chrysanthy.
Jen: Chrysanthy?
Chrysanthy: Yes, like the flower (Chrysanthemum) minus the “mum”.
Jen: Oh that’s beautiful.
Chrysanthy: Thank you. Well, I am just trying to get her enough clothes for the first few months. Money is tight.
Jen: That’s what friends are for.

오늘의 영어표현 Money is tight ‘돈에 쪼들리다 / 자금 사정이 빡빡하다 / 돈이 부족하다’ Money is tight꼭 기억해두세요!

지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO!에Jennifer Yoo 였습니다.