[English with Yoo] Get the ball rolling

English with Yoo

안녕하세요 English with Yoo! 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다. English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다.

I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!

오늘의 영어 표현은: Get the ball rolling

Americans like small talks. When Americans meet another person for the first time, they aren’t afraid to engage in a kind of conversation they call “small talk”.

미국에서는 처음 만난 사람과도 쉽게 대화를 나눕니다.

Small talks get the ball rolling to other conversations and it can help you get to know the person pretty easily within a short period of time.

The most common topic of small talk is the weather, what kind of job you have, or just about them.

I met Rosey for the first time and it was easy to carry on a conversation through our small talk.

그럼 먼저 로지(Rosey)와 함께 대화한 것을 들어보시죠!
오늘의 영어 표현은 get the ball rolling 입니다? Listen carefully!

Get the ball rolling

Jen: Here in America, we’re pretty informal right? When we meet a person for the first like I did with you.
Rosey: Yes
Jen: Do you have small talks and is it easy for you to carry on a small talk with different Americans?
Rosey: Yes, it’s very easy.
Jen: What do you talk about?
Rosey: Usually, I’ll ask someone where they’re from or just ask them about their family. Or if they are visiting, and they tell me that, just ask them about themselves and that typically will get the ball rolling.

자, 본문에세 제가 로지(Rosey) 씨에게 ‘미국에서는 처음 만난 사람과도 편안하게 대화를 하죠! 우리가 처음에 간단히 대화를 나누었던것처럼 말이죠. 로지 씨도 다른 미국 사람들을 처음 만났을때, 대화를 나누기 어렵지 않죠?’ 라고 물어보니까 로지씨는 ‘Yes, it very easy. 정말 쉬워요. 보통, 어디서 왔는지, 무슨일을하는지, 또는 가족에 대해서 물어보면 대화가 잘 됩니다’ 라고 하더라고요, 바로 이런 것을두고 ‘that typically get the ball rolling’ 라고 하죠.

오늘의 영어 표현은: Get the ball rolling 입니다.

Get the ball rolling 은 미국사람들이 자주 쓰는 영어 표현입니다. To get the ball rolling means to get a something started; to begin something. 말하자면 Get the ball rolling은 ‘어떤 일을 시작하다 / (~)계속 진행시키다’라는 뜻입니다.

그럼 대화를 다시 들어보겠습니다. Listen carefully!

Get the ball rolling

Jen: Here in America, we’re pretty informal right? When we meet a person for the first like I did with you.
Rosey: Yes
Jen: Do you have small talks and is it easy for you to carry on a small talk with different Americans?
Rosey: Yes, it’s very easy.
Jen: What do you talk about?
Rosey: Usually, I’ll ask someone where they’re from or just ask them about their family. Or if they are visiting, and they tell me that, just ask them about themselves and that typically will get the ball rolling.

자, 본문 다시 한번 들어보셨고요. 이젠 제가 한국말로 할게요. 영어로 표현해 보세요.

• 일단 일이 손에 익으면 아주 잘 할거야.

맞습니다! Once you get used to the work and get the ball rolling, you’ll be great!

• 우리 동창회 해야 되는데. 누가 맡아서 시작하면 좋을까?

그렇죠! Let’s have a reunion! Who wants to get the ball rolling?

오늘의 영어표현 ‘get the ball rolling 어떤 일을 시작하다 / (~)계속 진행시키다get the ball rolling.

So if you ever come across Americans, don’t be shy to start small talks. They will be open and willing to talk to you. This will get the ball rolling to other conversations and this can improve your English in no time!

지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO!에Jennifer Yoo 였습니다. 다음 이시간에 만나요.