[English with Yoo] to tag along

English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다.

I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!

오늘의 영어 표현은: To tag along

It’s quite common to bump into people who come to Washington DC from near and far to attend meetings, conferences and briefings. 워싱턴 디씨에서 열리는 회의나 학회, 혹은 브리핑에 참관하기의해 사람들은 여기저기에서 많이 찾아옵니다. Especially near the House and the Senate buildings.

I met Don and his little 4-year-old daughter who drove all the way from the state of Vermont. 저는 미국Vermont 버몬트 주에서부터 [워싱턴 디씨까지] 운전해서 온 단(Don) 과 그의 4살 된 딸을 만났는데요, 운전하는데 10시간이나 걸렸다고 하더군요! 그들은 하원 건물 근처를 돌아다니고 있었는데, 누군가를 기다리고 있는것 같았습니다. I soon found out that Don’s wife had some important meetings to attend here and he just tagged along with his daughter.

그럼 제가 단(Don)과 함께 대화것을 먼저 들어보실까요?

오늘의 영어 표현은 to tag along 입니다? Listen carefully!

To tag along

Jen: So you’re out here with your daughter. What are you guys doing?
Don: My wife has some meetings to go to and we tagged along to see the nation’s capital. We’ve never been here before.
Jen: Where are you from?
Don: Vermont.

제가 단에게 ‘딸과 함께 여기서 뭐하고 계세요? So you’re out here with your daughter. What are you guys doing?’ 라고 불어봤더니 단(Don)은 ‘제 아내가 이곳 디씨에서 미팅/회의가 좀 있어서 딸과 함께 따라왔습니다. My wife has some meetings to go to and we tagged along to see the nation’s capital. 우리나라의 수도에는 처음이거든요 그래서 아내를 기다리는 동안 구경좀 하고있습니다. We’ve never been here before.’ 라고 하네요.

오늘의 영어 표현은: To tag along 입니다.

To tag along은 ‘(~를) 따라가다 / 따라붙다’ 라는 뜻입니다.

To tag along means to go somewhere with somebody, especially when you have not been invited.

본문에세 단(Don)은 “My wife has some meetings to go to and we tagged along” 라고 했죠?

그럼 대화를 다시 들어보겠습니다. Listen carefully!

To tag along

Jen: So you’re out here with your daughter. What are you guys doing?
Don: My wife has some meetings to go to and we tagged along to see the nation’s capital. We’ve never been here before.
Jen: Where are you from?
Don: Vermont.

본문에세 단(Don)은 ‘tagged along’ 라고 했죠?? Let me give you an example in Korean. You try saying it in English.
  • 제가 따라가도 되나요?
맞습니다! Do you mind if I tag along?
  • 로라는 초대를 받지 않았지만 그냥 따라왔어.
그렇죠! Laura wasn’t invited, but she just tagged along.

오늘의 영어표현 ‘to tag along (~를) 따라가다 / 따라붙다’ to tag along 꼭 기억해두세요!

지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO!에Jennifer Yoo 였습니다.