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Serbia's government has adopted a resolution annulling an expected declaration of independence to be issued by leaders of Kosovo's ethnic Albanian majority.

The resolution issued today (Thursday) says any move by Kosovo to secede from Serbia will be "null and void." Kosovo Albanians say they will act in coming days.

Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica says Serbia would face no greater humiliation than accepting what he calls a "puppet state" within its territory. His comments were published today (Thursday) in a Serbian newspaper (Glas Javnosti).

Serbia and its traditional ally, Russia, will argue their case at a closed-door session of the United Nations Security Council later today.

Russian President Vladimir Putin today said a unilateral declaration of Kosovo independence would be "immoral and illegal."

He accused European nations of "shameful double standards" for supporting Kosovo independence while refusing to recognize pro-Russian separatist regions in the former Soviet Union.